My Blog Egg

My Blog Egg

Monday, February 21, 2011

prop·a·gan·da Say it Right or Don't Say it at All

Propaganda what is propaganda?

WEBSTER SAYS: prop·a·gan·da

information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely tohelp or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

There was propaganda way back when you grandmother was born, when your great grandmother was born, when your great great great great great great greatygreat grandmother was born.  There has always been propaganda.  Many time you here about people using propaganda to get what they want, so in wars and in advertisements. 

In history we are talking about the First Indian Rebellion or as Americans call it the Sepoy Mutiny. This rebellion was started with propaganda.  There was a rumor going around that the bullets the British were giving the Sepoy were greased in cow and pig fat.  This posed a problem because to Hindu people, cows are sacred and to Muslims pigs are taboo.  This caused the people to revolt against the British.

Another war related form of propaganda but more resent is the war in Iraq.  America invaded because the government was saying that they had weapons of mass destruction.  And even after multiple spies came back saying they found none with all the propaganda the government had enough people behind them to go to war. 

One last thing that uses propaganda is ads.  I will zero in on McDonalds because I am sure that everyone knows then and has seen a commercial from them.  In all their ads they say it is fresh and healthy for you but that is a lie.  Everyone knows that is clogs ones arteries and increases their chances of plank buildup thus heart attacks.  And that the ingredients are pretty far from being fresh.  But in an advertisement they are not going to say that to get people to get people to buy their food. 

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