My Blog Egg

My Blog Egg

Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the Reservation

On the reservation…. What do YOU think about when you here that? Mr. McCarthy thinks about the T.V. show “No Reservations” hosted by Anthony Bourdain. I think about an Indian reservation, not the ones with tepees but the ones with casinos. I think an arid piece of land almost uninhabitable but because the first people understood Mother Nature and what she had to offer they somehow survived.

A reservation to me is a bad piece of land with little resources, where people of the same race live together.  Though on Indian reservations they live by different laws, I see communities within our everyday lives to be like reservations. Think about it, in China Town there are restaurants with menus solely written in Chinese. They also have a larger about of Buddhist temples and their churches are in Chinese as well. The neighborhood has to be brought up. I am pretty sure that they did not get the cleanliest most prosperous land out there.

It is the same for almost all communities because no matter how much people like to say it we are still segregated. Thought people do not think much about someone’s skin color, where groups of people live, that is significant. When people immigrate to a new country they try to find people they can relate to, thus communities what are build with the same race of people.


  1. Funny...then serious. Oh that Mr. McCarthy! He'll end up in Namibia surfing.

    Chinatown another form of reservation living? Hmmm...I'll have to get back to you on that one.

  2. Well, both Chinatown and reservations have that kind of "segregation" to them, but Chinatown isn't solely "reserved" for Chinese people, it just happens to be. Reservations were given to the Indians as an apology by the government. Chinatown also doesn't have any government benefits that are specifically set aside for it.
    I almost agree with your statement, "Thought people do not think much about someone’s skin color, where groups of people live, that is significant". However, I think it is because we DO think about skin color so much that it makes it significant. But above all, HOW we think about and react to skin color is the most important of all.
    Wow this was a really long comment. :D
