My Blog Egg

My Blog Egg

Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans are a crazy bunch of people in my opinion sorry if you don’t think so and I’m sorry if you’re offended but what I think but seriously; come on! Well they think men are just so much better than women allllllll the time and well that kinda just bothers me. In “Adultery, in many states, is still a crime” by Jonathan Turley says that it is “illegal for a married woman to cheat on her husband and make it a crime for single women to have sex at all.” But it does not say anything about men cheating.  And might I remind you that this is present day 2010. What up with that dumb crap! Excuse me but like I don’t think that you should be punished for cheating at least not by the government. You may get a divorce and that punishment enough.  I have lived though my parent’s divorce. Though I don’t remember things about it I have recently stumbled upon letters my father had sent to and from with a friend.  These letters were about what happened during the divorce and the emotional strain it put on him.  The custody battle that was over max and I was the worst because it was overseas so my parents never knew where it would be and if the lawyers should be American or French. I think that is sufficient is punishment for cheating.
I think because Nathanial Hawthorn was born into Puritanism he believed that adultery was a crime that was punishable but after reading other book I feel that his views have changed and he like to write his opinion in his books while being a little bit more liberal then what he was razed to believe.
Puritan beliefs are still in play today but many have died down. The true hardcore puritans go by the same rules as long but I don’t cross paths with them very much so I don’t see their old laws.  


  1. I completely agree with the whole government shouldn't punish you for cheating thing. It's an issue that doesn't need a punishment provided by court, it's bad enough that it was done.
    That must have been really strange to find old letters of your dads. Did you learn new things about the divorce you didn't know before?

  2. i agree with you...they were very very strict
