My Blog Egg

My Blog Egg

Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans are a crazy bunch of people in my opinion sorry if you don’t think so and I’m sorry if you’re offended but what I think but seriously; come on! Well they think men are just so much better than women allllllll the time and well that kinda just bothers me. In “Adultery, in many states, is still a crime” by Jonathan Turley says that it is “illegal for a married woman to cheat on her husband and make it a crime for single women to have sex at all.” But it does not say anything about men cheating.  And might I remind you that this is present day 2010. What up with that dumb crap! Excuse me but like I don’t think that you should be punished for cheating at least not by the government. You may get a divorce and that punishment enough.  I have lived though my parent’s divorce. Though I don’t remember things about it I have recently stumbled upon letters my father had sent to and from with a friend.  These letters were about what happened during the divorce and the emotional strain it put on him.  The custody battle that was over max and I was the worst because it was overseas so my parents never knew where it would be and if the lawyers should be American or French. I think that is sufficient is punishment for cheating.
I think because Nathanial Hawthorn was born into Puritanism he believed that adultery was a crime that was punishable but after reading other book I feel that his views have changed and he like to write his opinion in his books while being a little bit more liberal then what he was razed to believe.
Puritan beliefs are still in play today but many have died down. The true hardcore puritans go by the same rules as long but I don’t cross paths with them very much so I don’t see their old laws.  

Friday, October 22, 2010

When did I know I was an American

The moment I knew then I was an American was when I finally understood what citizenship was, I could speak English and when I felt like I was home.  I moved to America when I was 3 years old; I was like every little kid, (yes I did grow and yes I’m still little no need to remind me) (O and Ps: my goal is to grow to 5 foot 5 inches. I think it’s quite reasonable) I wanted to have fun and hang out with friends.  As I got older and I would visit people in France and they would ask me “What am I” I would always say I’m American.  I felt that I was an American because that was where I lived and where my home was.  I link home is what you are.  Home is where you feel at ease.  Home is where you need to be.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us Vs. Them... Us and Them

People can be pushed to their limits about things that they believe in or that others want them to believe in.  Just like in gangs, which are pretty much people under the influence of peer pressure.  They have a longing to want to fit in with a group and will go to extreme measures to make sure that they do.  Rather than being rejected, the gang member will engage in illegal activity such as stealing things, vandalizing and even killing.  It is not that they desire to kill someone but that the task or conflict that they have engaged in requires them to.  Instead of being rejected by the other gang members they choose to believe in the cause of the gang and show that they are strong enough to be accepted in the gang.  The other side of the coin is when people believe in something so strongly that they will kill for it.  The Holocaust would be a good example of this.  Hitler believed so strongly that anyone that did not fit under his qualifications for an “ideal” human being should be killed.  He carried his plans out, gained many Nazi followers and saw his plans to completion until thousands and thousands of people were killed.  This also works in the opposite way when someone stands out for what they believe in and they are not supported by anyone.  Just like Corey in “The Crucible”.  Corey is being pushed to give up names but he refuses and even through torture he will not get honest people in trouble.  His moral convictions about what he believes him lead to his death.      

P.S. I was not really sure what I was supposed to write about but my friend from another class told me I was supposed to write about “the causes of conflict that leads to death”.