My Blog Egg

My Blog Egg

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor Hero or Stooge.....

Well John Proctor is many things probably both a hero and a stooge. But I feel like Mr. Proctor is more of a hero that a stooge.  I believe he tried to save his name because in this small town of his everyone knows each other.  After the trails had gone on long enough Proctor finally realizes how out of control these witch hunts had become.  At this point he tries to stand up and tell the truth.  He knows that Abigail made everything up and that she is trying to cover up her behind area so she won’t get in trouble.  At first no one cares because Abigail and the other girls say they saw the devil with poor people and undistinguished people of the town. These people were hung after going through a “trial”. But when the girls go after reputable people of the town things get a little hairy.  That was Abigail’s real goal, to get rid of Elisabeth Proctor that way she would have John Proctor for herself.  John Proctor came forward and told the truth about Abigail and told everyone that he “knows her”.  Mr. Proctor though by telling the whole truth all this madness of witch hunts would be over.  Unfortunately Proctor let the situation snowball too long and he could not stop the girls.  Too many people believed their crazy rants about seeing the devil with others of the town.  John Proctor tried desperately to stop them but in the end he finally gave in but lying and saying he signed with the devil. But because John Proctor would never say he saw anyone else with the devil when he was approached he was hung.  John did not want to drag anyone else with him and get them killed for doing nothing wrong.  For this, he is a hero.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God

These are the three things that would happen to you if you stepped one foot of the path to God.  There was an arrow always pointing to your heart, a flood to come rushing at you if God ever chose to lift his hand and you dangling from his fingers ready to fall into the firey pits of hell.

Ps: sorry my drawing isn't as great as other peoples.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

O neighbors!

There are people from all different countries living around me. There are Scottish, French, Russian, and Indian people. We seem to all get along, as we say hello to each other whenever we meet.
One of my best friends lives in this complex so I'm always at her house or she's in mine.  I love her family, but I think if I didn't know them I might be kind of annoyed.  Whenever they take their dog out for a walk, her and her brother makes SOOO much noise.  
I don’t really know many more people in my complex because I'm slightly antisocial towards my neighbors... so I really don't know them well.  BUT my mother and step father talk to the people around here and sometimes I hear what they think about the neighbors.
 There is usually not much going on here but if anything happens everyone become very gossipy.  I recently found out that Caitlin O'hara is my neighbor too!  I have lived here since 2004 and she has lived here her whole life, shows how much I know the people that live around here. 
My family likes our neighbors living in the complex number 9. Their dog is the most skittish thing you will ever see.  Whenever she sees anyone, she gets excited, but if you take just one step closer to her she freaks out and runs away. 
In unit 10 there is a woman and sometimes there’s her 20 something year old daughter, who is living on and off there.  Her mother isn’t the nicest lady in the world. She is one of the only people that NEVER says “Hi” to me whenever I see her.  She lets her SUPER CUTE cat outside to wonder the complex.  Many people leave messages for her on the white board of news complaining about her cat being out since they have may have dogs.  Can you imagine, taking your dog outside for his or her stroll and having your animal seeing this cat?  They start barking like crazy and pulling the leash. The cat is very nice and my mom has many times given this cat food, as the cat can meow loudly around the complex for a few days.  She is the sour apple of the bunch (I mean that in the nicest way possible…)
So that’s everything that goes on in this complex. Not much.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Introduction

I am Jenny and welcome to my blog.  I born in Montpellier, France.  My twin brother Max and I lived there until we were three and a half.  We moved to Chicago, Illinois with our mom and my dad remained in France after their divorce.  I went to Abraham Lincoln Elementary School from Kindergarten to eighth grade because they had a bilingual program for French speakers.  One of my favorite things to do in elementary school was hang out with my friends and get bubble teas from a cute old Vietnamese man.  I also enjoyed being on the soccer team and track team.  I still love hanging out with friends, walking around the city and finding things to do.  Another interesting fact about my life is that I have traveled to every continent except for Australia.  My family loves to experience different cultures and travel.  My favorite place that I have been so far is Thailand because it is "The Land of Smiles".  We were in Thailand right after the tsaumani hit.  It was very interesting to see how a city recovers after such a large natural disaster while still keeping their smiles.  They were so happy to see and meet foreigners and were extremely welcoming even after this hardship.  That is a little bit about me and I look forward to sharing with you more over the next few months.